We went over to Pensacola the other day to watch the Blue Angels practice. If you're ever in the area be sure to go see them, they practice on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. They practice right behind the Navel Air Museum on the base and they start at 8:30am, don't be late. If you go you have to enter the base from the WEST gate and plan on about a 30-40 minute delay getting in with all the traffic and the Vehicle Check point. Be sure to have your license, registration and insurance papers handy. It's really not bad, it's just that there are so many people going in at once. It might have been worst this time since it's Easter break.
They put on a 45 minute show with seven aircraft and they are right in your face, the runway is only about 50 yards away from the fence line. They do most of their stuff right in front of you or right over your head.
Be sure to take some type of EAR PROTECTION, especially for kids, we went to Walmarts and got the cheap orange foam ones for $1.49 and they worked great.
The top picture is right at the end of the show, sort of a final bow as they peal off to land. The picture at the bottom was taken from the Blue Angels web page, take a look at it they have some fantastic photos on it.
If you go on a Wednesday the pilots come to the Museum right after the practice to pose for pictures and sign autographs, but be prepared for a ton of people.
I you want to go see the Museum be sure to pick a day they DON'T practice. It opens at 9:00am and there might be about 20 people there with you, it's a great museum and plan on spending anywhere from 2-4 hours depending on your interest in this type of stuff. The Officers club is on the second floor and open to the public for lunch, good food and prices, (you have to see it even if you don;t eat there.
Well back to camp to sit out a few more rainy days.

The Blue Angels