Spent a day at the Battleship Park in Downtown Mobile, they have a really nice War Memorial, The Battleship Alabama,a Submarine, a hanger with about 30 planes on display and alot more. We walked around the grounds and looked at the War Memorial part but there were about 6 bus loads of kids going into the ships so we decided to pass on it this time.
Thursday was a nice sunny day so we drove down to Dauphin Island and spent the day bicycling around the island. We saw some storm damage but not to much considering how far out in the gulf the island is. There are a lot of flowers blooming and it was the tail end of the bird migration back north, Dauphin Island is the last stop they make heading south and the first stop they make heading north. Cathy and I were here one year, at Fort Morgan, and it was at the time the Monarch Butterflys were gathering for their flight to Mexico. The bushes were just covered with them, there were so many that you could hardly see the bushes.
They seem to have trouble predicting the weather in the gulf area, they have predicted heavy storms just about every day for the last week and all we got was a little spinkle one night, not that I'm complaining mind you.
Tomorrow is moving day and we'll be heading to Bay St Louis, Miss. Which means we have to drive 90 miles tomorrow, better go to bed early tonight.
Almost forgot the Detroit TIGERS got SNOWED OUT today.