Capitol Bldg

The view from our camp site
We spent two days in Charleston W.V. so Cathy could get in a little genealogy research. We stayed in the St Albans city park with is right on the Kanawah River, they have about 5 sites and the best part is they're FREE.
The capitol dome is being real done and they only have half of it revealed, the Gov. and his wife are having a big party on the 14th when they unveil it. I spent about an hour walking around inside the capitol bldg, I walked into the Governors office and talked with his receptionist, stepped in the Sec of States office to say hi and a few other places. During the hour, I did not see one security person or cop, everybody was just as friendly as could be and wanted to know if they could help you with anything.
This is a realy great area if you like driving UP & Down mountainsides.
When we left here we took the Midland Trail (Hwy 60 east across the state) this is the original two lane hwy that looks like they built it around 1800. We were either doing 20 mph up hill, 20 mph through one of the switchbacks or riding the brakes down hill. I don't think I'm going to like seeing what our gas mileage is next time we fill up. Fortunately it was only 90 miles long and we covered it in about 3+ hrs and of course we found a spot right in the middle of it that we want to go back to in the spring for a week if I can find another road.
Right now we're in Charlottoville, Virginia for a week catching up on our history lessons.