A couple of days relaxing in the resort and we were ready for another road trip, we drove over to Flat Rock and spent a few hours walking around Carl Sandburg Home/Farm. We were about two weeks early this year for the goats being born, as you can see in the picture this one is having twins. After a picnic lunch we took the back mountain road home, it starts with a sign that sez “ Winding road, 9% grades, 5000 foot elevation, NO TRUCKS OR TRAILERS” just the kind of road that Cathy loves in the car. The road wasn’t that bad and it followed a nice mountain stream through a National Forest. We found a lot of scenic turnouts and a couple of waterfalls
There are about 8 miles of trails around the house and farm.
This is the park that we're at, right on Johnny Creek, That's us at the arrow.
This is Looking Glass Falls and is one of the prettiest waterfalls I've ever seen.
This is Sliding Rock Falls, the picture is taken from a deck where you can enter the river, walk over to the handrail and walkway on the left. You then walk to the top of the falls, sit on your butt and slide down the rock into the pool at the bottom. Then you do it all over again. I tried to get Cathy to do the slide so I could get a picture but she wasn't having any of it. Maybe next time.
We’re going to be here until April 3rd, so we got a lot of time and a lot more stuff to see and do in this area. More as it happens.