Saturday, September 08, 2007

Heading South, Wapakoneta the First Leg

After watching our little Cheerleader do her thing at three football games and making sure both of them were ready and off to School, we saddled up and hit the road heading south for the winter,

Our first stop of course was one of our favorite parks in Wapakoneta Ohio, after 2 weeks in Proud Lake State Park this place is paradise.
Indoor pool, two hot tubs, steam room and more.

Thursday we did a little drive around on the back roads, and found a few new little towns and did some shopping, we drove into the Village of Jackson Center, home of Airstream Trailers. About half way through the town we spotted the factory and Cathy saw a sign that said "Factory tours M-F 2pm" since it was 2:02 we made a quick turn into the parking lot and a mad dash for the door and we were 3 minutes early for the tour. It was a very interesting tour; they took you through the entire factory and showed you every aspect of building an Airstream. Their workers work 9 hour shifts M-T and then Friday they get off at 10am for a long week end, so if you have a choice Take the tour on Friday after every one goes home, it's a lot quieter and you get to see a few more things. The tour takes about an hour and a half and you walk about half a mile. They have about six old units parked out front, the one pictured was made in the mid 1950's.

A new feature this year, we will be featuring some of the better little restaurants that
we find in our travels, this isn't for you, it's for us so that we'll stop forgetting
where they all are and have a permanent record for future reference. But if
you want you can use them too.

Today, Thursday, we found a nice little Ma & Pa diner, in fact that was the name of the Restaurant, Ma & Pa's, it's about 8 miles west of Bellefontaine Ohio, right at the intersection of Highways 47 & 235. It's just a little converted house that probably sits 30, with a no smoking section, Cathy got the Salmon patties with two sides
and I got the special Pulled BBQ pork sandwich with two side, the food was all homemade and very good, total for the bill was $8.50. We were talking with the waiter (this is Amish county) he told us if we drove north about 4 miles there was an Amish wedding going on with a few hundred people in attendance. He
also informed us that Amish can only be married on a Thursday and also they can only be buried on a Thursday, in the case today the grooms grandmother had died last week in Michigan and he had to have some one drive him to the funeral in the morning then race back here for his wedding, he said that their weddings can last up to three days with hundreds of people.

Friday while out looking for a barber shop we came across another little diner, The Dixie Ley Cafe, it's right off of I-75 @ Exit 118 in Criderville. We both got the Fish special and they brought enough fish to feed a family of four, everything was homemade and was great, forgot my camera again today so no photos. Maybe I should re-title this blog "Eating Our Way Around the USA"

Heading for Cincinnati tomorrow, we've never stopped there before so we're going to give it a little look see.