So after a mile walk back to the car and ten minutes of Cathy chewing the visitor centers information girl a new one, we drove out to the Zoo to try and save the day. Their zoo is very old but set up real nice and was spotlessly clean. It was pushing 90 degrees and just about everything in the zoo was trying to find some shade and sleep, as you can see from the pictures.

We did see something that we’ve never seen before and learned something new, the new sighting was an Indian Star Turtle; this had one of the prettiest shells I’ve ever seen. We thought that we were looking at a Black Panther and found out that there is no such thing as a Black Panther, but there is a Black Jaguar. Apparently they just discovered that they are really Jaguars with a different coloring gene, just like house cats.

Then there was the white tiger that was just minding his on business until I started messing with him, take a look at the pictures and you’ll see what I mean. We had a little bit of a stare down but he won.