Just trying to find something to do while we're holed up inside during this global warming ICE age that we're experiencing here in southern Florida, so I dug out some old disk and decided to sort some photos. One had a bunch of photos of when I was with the Detroit Police Department, twenty-five years of Heaven and Hell . I joined up in 1972 a few years after the riots, about the time that the city started losing all its population and started it's slide to where it is today. Had a lot of great times during those years, met my wife Cathy through the department, and the bad times where I buried more fellow officers then I care to remember. Like the TV show Naked City used to say “There are a million stories in the Naked City”, well in the Big D I think that I had close to a million stories all by myself. There is a commercial for a new TV cop show that uses a phrase that cops have used for years to welcome a rookie cop to there first day on the job, “Congratulation, you just got a front row seat to the Greatest Show on Earth” and it was for all 25 years.
But before I let my mind wander and start boring you with dozens of old stories I better get back on track, and post two pictures I found showing my metamorphosis as a big city cop.
The first one is me in the summer of 1973, still just a little baby rookie cop getting ready to spread his wings and trying to look like a tough guy.

Now if you scroll down you will see the older, more experienced, wiser, understanding, kinder and a whole helluva lot tougher cop that I became in the late 80's.

That is All...........10-4....................... Over and Out