A few weeks ago the old (125 years) Historic Mill in downtown Homer burnt to the ground, for the last few years it was used as a teen night club (non-alcohol dances) and as a spook house at

Halloween. The State Police are still trying to figure out what caused it, it was built on the banks of the Kalamazoo River, for a small town like Homer (pop. 1800) this was a major event.

Everybody has heard about a boy named Sue, well meet a girl named Sam. The kids and grand kids decided that with Arthur passing the house was just to quiet and lonely so they rescued this little thing that was taken from a puppy mill somewhere in Kentucky, we're not sure

how all the puppies got to Michigan from Kentucky but they sure are glad that they did. The kids went into the shelter and there were three big area's filled with puppies, the area in the center had about 12 black little puppies all curled up together sleeping and this little girl immediately perked up her head when she saw Nick and Rachel and ran over to them, that was all it took for them to make up their minds about which one was going home with them. Thing have changed since I last went to the

shelter for a puppy, now you have to fill out a ton of forms, the animal has to have all it's shots and be fixed and you are asked for a donation of $300.00, at some shelters you have to provide references. We got to meet her Thursday and you can tell that she's going to be one smart dog and great companion.

Cathy's has been busting her butt trying to get a garden going, when she started this area the first of May it was a huge tree

stump, she finding places between the roots where she can dig down a little to get a plant in, by next year she'll probably have to many flowers in it and have to thin them out.
We've got a lot of bunnies out here and they're working as hard as they can to eat as much as Cathy plants.
This is her walking herb garden, she found some wooden klompen's at a flea market when we were in Florida.

Gotta go get the bikes ready, the kids are coming out tomorrow for a few days.