Kids at the Blue Water Bridges

Watching a Big Ships pass by
We brought the kids up to lapeer for a few days and spent one in Port Huron. We walked the entire river front from north of the bridge to the Huron Light Boat. We toured the Huron Lightship. This was the last lightship used on the Great Lakes and has been turned in to a museum. Then we walked to the Thomas Edison Museum which is located right under the bridges. There are now two bridges side by side in order to handle the traffic. The kids got a chance to see some of the big ships as they passed under the bridges, Nick thinks that maybe he could have thrown a baseball to one of the ships since they were so close. We then drove up to the Gratiot Lighthouse & Beach for a little picnic lunch, while we were there the Canadian Coast Guard boat showed up and was doing manuvers about a 100 yards off shore and the local lifeguards were doing their rescue training. The kids really liked the Campground that we're in, it's near a rails to trails park and the trail circles two lakes and there is tons of wildlife to see.
Nick & Don's birthdays are August 2nd so we'll be heading back down to Wixon for that.