Time to do a little catching up, when we left you we were in Lapeer, Michigan, well we moved a grand total of about 80 miles to Charlotte (pronounced Char-looooootte) if you say it like the girls name you�re in big trouble. Were at the fairgrounds and so far they�ve had a circus, rodeo, and that thing were the cars race through the mud pit, and all free. Of course when we�re here we spend every other day in Lansing at the library so Cathy can do her research. We did manage to go to a Lansing Lugnuts Baseball game, double a team for the Toronto Bluejays. With our luck it was bring a drunk get in free night, really it was 2 dollar beer night so we were in the minority that wasn�t falling down the steps for throwing up in the stands. We did a few back road tours, a day in Marshall and a day in Grand Rapids. And that�s about it, we�re leaving here Wednesday and heading down by the kids for a month, Suz is doing her Grand Opening on the 30th. Hopefully they will be packed, she's been doing pretty good for just getting started. Finally got the new car clean so I thought I would post the picture because it may never be clean again.
We�ll see everybody when we start our winter migration.